A call for nominations for the Suzanne McDaniel and Oscar Sherrell Awards

The Oscar Sherrell Award for service to the association, awarded each year by each section of TDCAA, is given to recognize those enthusiastic folks who excel in TDCAA work.  This award may recognize a specific activity that has benefited or improved TDCAA, or may recognize a body of work that has improved the service that TDCAA provides to the profession. 

The Investigator and Key Personnel boards each make the selection of their annual award winners and present the award at their individual section conferences.

If you know a deserving individual and choose to nominate someone, please keep in mind that the person does not have to work in your office or even in your TDCAA Region, as long as they meet the criteria stated above.  Anyone in a prosecutor’s office may make a nomination. 

Nominations are due by 5 pm Friday September 15, 2023.

Please submit your nomination to:  [email protected].

Suzanne McDaniel Award

The person selected for this award should exemplify the qualities that were so evident in Suzanne herself:  advocacy, empathy, and the constant recognition of rights of victims.

The criteria necessary for an individual to be nominated are as follows:

  • The person must be employed by a County Attorney, District Attorney or Criminal District Attorney’s Office;
  • At least a portion of the individual’s job duties must involve working directly with victims; and
  • The person must have demonstrated impeccable service to TDCAA, victim services and prosecution.

Should you choose to nominate someone please keep in mind that the person does not have to work in your office or even in your TDCAA Region, as long as they meet the criteria stated above.  Anyone in a prosecutor’s office may make a nomination.  To nominate someone, please provide the nominee’s name, office of employment, phone number and a description no longer than 100 words of why you believe the person deserves this award.  This information should be emailed directly to Jalayne Robinson at TDCAA at [email protected]. 

Nominations will be due by 5 pm Friday September 15, 2023.