January-February 2020

Recent gifts to the Foundation*

Richard Alpert
Diane Beckham
Elmer Beckworth, Jr.
Bobby Bland
Joe Edd Boaz
Alan Curry
Michael Guarino II in memory of Larry Gist
Lynn Hardaway
Lee Hon
John Hubert
Rob Kepple  in memory of Larry Gist
Rob Kepple in memory of Kit Bramblett
Bud Kirkendall  in memory of Larry Gist
Doug Lowe
Cheryll Mabray
Sonny McAfee
Lyn McClellan in honor of Calvin Hartman
Jana McCown
Katherine McDaniel
Greg Miller
Sunni Mitchell
Kim Ogg
Jacob Putman
Julie Renken
Ross Rommel Jr.
William Shettle, III
Elizabeth Toben
Robert Vititow
Justin Wood
* gifts received between October 4 and December 6, 2019