May-June 2010

Recent gifts to TDCAF (Feb. 1 to March 15, 2010)

Larry W. Allison*
Richard H. Anderson, In Honor of Carol Vance
Joan J. Berry, In Honor of Carol Vance
Gus Blackshear, In Honor of Carol Vance
Joseph D. Brown*
Robert N. Burdette, In Honor of Carol Vance
Dottie V. Burge, In Honor of Carol Vance
Bobbie Peterson Cate
Marvin E. Chernosky, M.D., In Honor of Carol Vance
Dan Cogdell, In Honor of Carol Vance
George E. Crosby, In Honor of Carol Vance
Cletus “Cowboy” Davis, In Honor of Carol Vance
Judge Joe Ned Dean, In Honor of Carol Vance
J. Gordon Dees, In Honor of Carol Vance
Sherry G. Dickens
John Jay Douglass, In Honor of Carol Vance

Judge F. Lee Duggan Jr., In Honor of Carol Vance
Thomas C. Dunn, In Honor of Carol Vance
Arthus C. Eads, In Honor of Carol Vance
Billy John Edwards, In Honor of Carol Vance
Ted Erck, In Honor of Carol Vance
Judge George H. Godwin, In Honor of Carol Vance
Keno M. Henderson Jr., In Honor of Carol Vance
Jane C. Hogan, In Honor of Carol Vance
T.D. Howe III, In Honor of Carol Vance
Luke McLean Inman*
Brent Johnson, In Honor of Carol Vance
Jane L. Joplin, In Honor of Carol Vance
Jay Karahan, In Honor of Carol Vance
Judge Oliver S. Kitzman, In Honor of Carol Vance
Judge Janice M. Krocker, In Honor of Carol Vance
Don Lambright, In Honor of Carol Vance
Judge William C. McCulloch, In Honor of Carol Vance
Suzanne McDaniel, In Honor of Carol Vance
John Patrick McKenna, In Honor of Carol Vance
Mike McSpadden, In Honor of Carol Vance
Richard J. Miller, In Honor of Carol Vance
Kenneth P. Morris, In Honor of Carol Vance
Gordon H. Neville, In Honor of Carol Vance
Vic Pecorino, In Honor of Carol Vance
David Van Brunt Price
Sam Robertson, In Honor of Carol Vance
Charles A. Rosenthal Jr., In Honor of Carol Vance
Thomas L. Royce Jr., In Honor of Carol Vance
James Brett Smith
Peggy S. Supak, In Honor of Carol Vance
Johnny Keane Sutton, In Honor of Carol Vance
Charles B. Thomsen, In Honor of Carol Vance
Martha Warren Warner, In Honor of Carol Vance
Milton H. West III, In Honor of Carol Vance
Sue Whitfield, In Honor of Carol Vance
Brian W. Wice, In Honor of Carol Vance

* denotes restricted gift