By Jalayne Robinson, LMSW
TDCAA Victim Services Director
On May 10, I had the pleasure of providing victim services training in Rockwall. Victim assistance coordinators (VACs) and other prosecutor office staff from 63 Texas counties attended this event. Many were brand new VACs looking for guidance in their new positions, while others were honing their already vast array of skills as seasoned VACs. The three-hour session covered prosecutor office duties to crime victims, the crime victims’ compensation program, victim impact statements, and protective orders. The statewide training, hosted by Rockwall County Criminal District Attorney Kenda Culpepper and held in Liberty Hall of the Rockwall County Courthouse, was a fantastic way for victim services professionals to gather for a day of education and networking. Many thanks to Kenda and her office for hosting us in your gorgeous courthouse!
National Crime Victims’ Right Week events
During the week of April 21–27, communities across the United States observed National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). The 2024 theme was: “How would you help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors.” The 2024 theme asks all of us—friends, family members, neighbors, colleagues, community leaders, victim service providers, criminal justice practitioners, and health professionals—how we can help crime victims. Are you prepared if someone confides in you about a victimization? Is your organization victim-centered and trauma-informed? Are you familiar with the services available in your community?
The Office for Victims of Crime offers a resource guide each year that includes everything needed to host an event in your community. Go to for additional information. You can also sign up for the NCVRW subscription list at subscribe to receive mailings of future NCVRW theme and awareness poster kits for assistance in planning a future event.
Numerous communities across Texas observed NCVRW, and we would like to share stories submitted by a few of our members:
Allison Bowen
Director of Victim Services in Tarrant County
Tarrant County officials gathered for National Crime Victims Rights’ Week, an event honoring victims in Tarrant County and those who work with them on April 22. During the event, certificates of appreciation were presented to the Tarrant County Coalition of Crime Victim Services, The Ladder Alliance, Arlington Urban Ministries, Gateway Outreach Team, and Mothers Against Drunk Driving.
Erleigh Wiley & Michelle Stambaugh
Criminal District Attorney and Office Manager, Kaufman County
To commemorate this year’s theme, the Kaufman County Criminal District Attorney’s Office hosted its annual crime victims’ luncheon on May 1 to recognize the victims of crime, service providers, and local law enforcement who played significant roles in obtaining justice for victims over the last year.
It takes a team working together to connect victims to resources after a crime, to assist in the investigation, and ultimately to prosecute the case bringing justice and as much closure as possible to the victims. Kaufman County is fortunate to have vast resources and local law enforcement officers who go above and beyond for crime victims.
Our guest speakers at this year’s luncheon were Stephanie Wetzel, a trafficking crime survivor, and Meredith DePriest from Care Center Ministries, who provided services and resources to Mrs. Wetzel. As a result of those services, Mrs. Wetzel’s life has been restored, and she is an example of the incredible importance of service providers.
The following were recognized for their dedication and service to the victims of Kaufman County over the last year: Robyn Beckham, Felony Chief, Kaufman County Criminal District Attorney’s Office; Morgan Wilkerson, Forensic Interviewer, Kaufman County Children’s Advocacy Center; Lt. Jason Tidwell, Terrell Police Department; and Chris Quigley, Investigator, Mesquite Police Department.
KP–VS Board
Members of TDCAA’s Key Personnel–Victim Services Board met recently to plan our fall conferences. Board members brought topic ideas to the meeting and the Board came together at TDCAA headquarters in Austin to collaborate and plan the KP–VAC track for the Annual Criminal & Civil Law Conference in September and the Key Personnel & Victim Assistance Coordinator Conference in November. Oh, what a great line-up of training is planned! Please stay tuned to TDCAA’s website, training, to register for these upcoming conferences. Many thanks to each of the Board members who traveled from all over Texas for the meeting, as well as to TDCAA Training Director Brian Klas and Senior Staff Counsel Diane Beckham for their invaluable input and assistance. Lunch was served and at the end of the day a photo was taken of our Board members.
Victim services consultations
As the Victim Services Director at TDCAA, my primary responsibility is to assist Texas prosecutors, VACs, and other prosecutor office staff in providing support services for crime victims in their jurisdictions. I am available to provide training and technical assistance to you via phone, by email, in person, or via Zoom. I can tailor individual or group training specifically for your needs. The training and assistance are free of charge.
Are you a new VAC? This training would be perfect for you! To schedule a free consultation, please email me at [email protected]. Many offices across Texas are taking advantage of this free training.