July-August 2008

Annual Campaign has kicked off!

Emily Kleine

TDCAF Development Director

By now, I hope you all have received the Annual Campaign letter, our new brochure, and your invitation to be a part of the Texas District and County Attorneys Foundation. The foundation is committed to continuing, and improving, the excellence TDCAA provides in educating and training Texas prosecutors and law enforcement. TDCAA regional directors have made a leap in their leadership by reinforcing the goal of 100 percent participation from all elected prosecutors across the state. We have already seen a phenomenal showing from many TDCAA members as well as friends of the foundation. Thank you—and keep it up! We invite every member of TDCAA to contribute any amount to show his or her support of the work that TDCAA does to protect crime victims and keep Texas safe.

A big thank you to two recent donors: The Abell-Hanger Foundation (Midland) and the Prairie Foundation (Midland) made significant gifts to TDCAF to further enhance the training, education, and resources that West Texas prosecutors and law enforcement receive from TDCAA. Both Abell-Hanger and the Prairie Foundation realize the importance of supporting the Texas District and County Attorneys Foundation’s effort to provide Texas prosecutors and law enforcement with the best possible resources to keep Texas protected. Thank you!

I will be on the road again soon, heading ultimately to Wichita Falls by way of Decatur, Graham, Vernon, and other stops. I am contacting several electeds and TDCAF supporters to make connections along the way. If you have potential donors within your community who would like to be a part of the foundation’s dynamic growth and leadership, please call me at 512/474-2436. I look forward to meeting and visiting with you all soon! ✤