Understanding Forensic DNA Conference (November 2-3, 2023)

You are invited to participate in a November 2-3 program on Understanding Forensic DNA for Lawyers and Judges. This conference, produced by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Forensic Science Commission, is free to TDCAA members and will use a sexual assault crime scenario to explore DNA issues that arise during criminal investigations, at trial, and in post-conviction proceedings. It will address these issues from both scientific and legal perspectives, considering what DNA can and cannot tell us and how judges and lawyers can better understand the uses and limitations of DNA evidence.  This program will be held in Austin in the State Capitol auditorium. The conference is sponsored by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the Texas Forensic Science Commission, the Texas Center for the Judiciary, the Texas District and County Attorneys Association and The Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.  For an hour-to-hour agenda and to reserve a spot, please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/717252640957?aff=oddtdtcreator.

TDCAA is able to offer hotel and per diem reimbursement for elected and assistant prosecutors serving in Texas district or county attorney offices.  You will be given a reimbursement form at the conclusion of the training to submit to TDCAA.  Reimbursement will be for hotel expense on November 1st and 2nd at a maximum of $184 per night. Per diem is $41 a day for November 1 and 2. You must submit a hotel receipt to receive the hotel reimbursement.