ED Report, Rule 3.09

The Texas Prosecutor is the official journal of the Texas District and County Attorneys Association. It is published bimonthly and mailed to every prosecutor office employee in the state; it is also available online here.
May-June 2024
President's Column, Executive Director
Read all about it: the results of our survey
in camera revue, online training, ethics
Get in line for online ethics
DWI Corner, drugged driving
Case analysis in drugged driving cases
civil law, contracts
Government contracts—let’s negotiate
child sexual abuse, child sexual assault, child pornography
Trying cases involving child sexual abuse material
juvenile law, mental health
Mental health and juvenile justice
victim services
A welcoming place to wait
cold cases, DWI, FSRA, intoxication
It all started with an anonymous letter
TDCAF, Recent gifts, Foundation